Wednesday, December 9, 2009

16 degrees

and this is what the boys are doing!

I remember making snow forts.. fun stuff!

this bird was in my yard today, eating a dead bird..

I have been keeping the DIET CHERRY PEPSI in the garage and look what happened!!!
can you see the frozen goodness??? H.E.A.V.E.N


Anthony and Christel said...

Ooooo..yummy...slush! Although in a perfect world it wouldn't be diet..I need the real stuff! :)

Kell said...

I ended up reading this today on a day where 16 degrees would feel awfully nice! (at -22!) Even though I'm freezing right now...I'd take a slushy diet cherry coke!

Happy Herrons said...

I am glad to see your boys taking on the cold and snow - real men!