Thursday, September 17, 2009

trampoline + big brother = OUCH!!

Poor Ryderroo, he hurt the ligiments behind his knee the other night.. he was on the trampoline with E. I am just glad he didn't break his leg, or neck for that matter. He is being as patient as a 2 year old can be. He can't put any weight on it at all. At least I can take it off at night.
He has been begging to play in the sandbox so I took him outside for a "picnic" and decided I could let him attempt standing between the sandbox and the stairs and he did great!


crazy walter 7 said...

So heartbreaking! I know how hard it is. Bri broke her femur when she was 3. She was in a half body cast for 6 weeks. Good Luck!

Kell said...

Ahhhh now he really looks like Eric! Give him some loves for us!

Happy Herrons said...

Poor little punko. I am glad you can take it off at night!

J Wagner said...

This brought back memories of how Eric became very talented with his cast by kicking his leg with it on.

lizwagz said...

Ryder did that too.. used it as a weapon