Late last night Eric decided to take the boys to the air show at HAFB, he had gone to some airshows when he was a kid and has great memories to show for it. This afternoon after helping my dad fix his TV, Eric, my Dad and 2 of my 3 sons headed out on their adventure. I opted to stay home with the 2 year old (he will be 2 in just 17 more days!) and Grandma Michele.
They were gone all afternoon and when they got home I heard about how long it took in traffic to get there and how much walking they had to do and how Grandpa's hip hurt, but most of all I watched the 8 year old's eyes light up when he was telling me about the airplanes and how he wishes he could be a pilot and actually fly in one.
I am so glad that my dad decided to go with my boys I am sure that my sons will have priceless memories just like Eric has!
It's the end of the year!
6 days ago
We went too! Very cool, but very loud!
I bet the boys were excited! I wish I could've heard the progress report. I love to see their faces when the loud noise rumbles their tummys.
oh grandma Jane, you would have been so fun to take!
I'm so sorry we missed it this year! That's way NEAT: Airplane pilot sounds like an adventure!
...I laughed so hard at your XBOX rant! My boys are so addicted! I LOVE explaining EVERYDAY about how they can only play for one hour, etc... Sounds like those little men are industrious, though! (chores at 6am, WOW!)
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