Friday, April 17, 2009

spikey hair friday

Archer is very particular about a lot of things.. one of them is his hair, it always has to be flat... no matter what. He also is very concerned about having clean hands and we have to watch him or he will wash them too much. Eric and I decided that we need to help him feel comfortable trying different things so we instituted spikey hair friday, if he wears his hair spikey all day than he gets to go to the dollar store. It seems to be working so far.


Happy Herrons said...

Cute idea! We are working on Ashley having her hands dirty/putting them in different textures. Yah mommy-hood!

Stacee Maree said...

That is hilarious but a beautiful idea. Love it.

Bugs said...

he is so adorable. fun stuff.

Kell said...

He looks quite handsome with his hair this way!

Whitney said...

Liz, thank you for being such a good sister to my friend! We had fun looking at your blog when Kim was here. What a darling family you have!