Sunday, April 26, 2009


that's right Ethan earned his bobcat last night at our Blue and Gold banquet. What a great organization the scouting program is! He has great leaders that really do care about him. I love seeing glimpses of him all grown up.

on a funny note, for the banquet we were asked to draw a picture of a dinosaur.. I cannot draw and neither can Eric...dilema...I got over my fear of failure and sketched the darn thing out. Turned out pretty good for a novice heh?


Kell said...

Congrats to the new Bobcat! I wish I had him in my den! Great job on the dino! Way better than I could've done!

Happy Herrons said...

That is a GREAT dinosaur!

Stephanie said...

That is so cool, we are very lucky to have such wonderful organizations!

Bugs said...

Oh! YOU drew that? We thought Ethan and Archer were the ones who drew it. Yeah, it's great!! ;)